The annual growth rate in the transition region fell from 2.3 per cent in 2013 to 1.9 per cent in 2014 and it is predicted to fall further in 2015. This slowdown in growth has been more pronounced in the region than for emerging markets globally.
At the same time several developments over the past 12 months have shaped the economic outlook for the region. First, oil prices have declined significantly from the levels observed between 2010 and mid-2014. Second, the geopolitical uncertainty surrounding the conflict in Ukraine has remained at very high levels while rising extremism and geopolitical tensions in the Middle East have adversely affected the economies of the southern and eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) and Turkey. Third, in January 2015 the European Central Bank (ECB) announced a quantitative easing programme involving monthly purchases of eligible government bonds by eurozone central banks. In contrast, the US Federal Reserve has phased out its third round of quantitative easing and is expected to tighten monetary policy in the future. Meanwhile, the crisis-hit economies of Ukraine and Greece have continued to undergo major macroeconomic adjustment.
Economic growth in the region
On balance, central Europe and the Baltic states (CEB) have benefited from the ECB’s quantitative easing programme, the tentative recovery in the eurozone and the decline in commodity prices. Domestic demand has been the main driver of growth, with unemployment declining and wages rising. Exports have also picked up in some countries. In several cases growth has been boosted by sizeable increases in public investment prior to the end-2015 deadline for disbursement under the previous EU structural funds programme.
Declining commodity prices
The price of Brent crude oil has declined sharply from the US$ 100-110 per barrel that was observed in 2010-13 and the first three quarters of 2014. It reached a low of around US$ 45 per barrel in January 2015 before edging up to around US$ 65 per barrel. It then declined again in July 2015, standing at around US$ 50-55 per barrel, when Iran (a major oil producer) concluded an agreement with the international community that paves the way for the removal of economic sanctions restricting the country’s exports. The declining price of oil primarily reflects increases in the production of oil (including shale oil) in the United States at a time of weak growth in global demand. Prices of metals have also declined, albeit less dramatically.
SOURCE: IMF World Economic Outlook and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: These calculations assume that the price of Brent crude oil averages US$ 55 per barrel in 2015, compared with US$ 97 per barrel in 2014. A country’s terms of trade are defined as the average price of its exports as a percentage of the average price of its imports.
Launch of a quantitative easing programme in the eurozone and the crisis in Greece
Another development that has shaped the economic outlook for the region is the launch of a quantitative easing programme in the eurozone. In late January 2015, faced with falling inflation and a weak outlook for growth in the eurozone, the ECB announced a quantitative easing programme involving monthly asset purchases of €60 billion, directly targeting public debt. The programme will remain in place until at least September 2016. Although that announcement was largely anticipated by the markets, the size and scope of the programme surpassed market expectations.
EBRD countries of operations | Other emerging markets | Other |
- Sep 2014 to Jan 2015
- Jan 2015 to Aug 2015
- Total change
SOURCE: Bloomberg and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: Positive values indicate appreciation against the US dollar.
SOURCE: Eurostat and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: Unit labour costs are adjusted for exchange rate differentials and expressed relative to an unweighted average of unit labour costs in the EU-15 economies. Estimates for the first quarter of 2015 are based on incomplete preliminary data.
Expected monetary policy tightening in the United States
By contrast with developments in the eurozone and Japan, monetary policy in the United States has been neutral as the total assets of the Federal Reserve have stopped increasing. As a result, the US dollar has appreciated against most currencies. US monetary policy is expected to gradually tighten as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates.
SOURCE: EPFR Global and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: GDP-weighted averages across countries, based on mutual fund flows. Shaded areas correspond to five-month periods around each event.
Increased geopolitical uncertainty
The economic outlook for Russia, the EEC region and Central Asia has also been negatively affected by the increased geopolitical uncertainty in the region. The conflict in Ukraine escalated repeatedly in the second half of 2014 and early 2015. The signing of the Minsk II accord in February 2015 has helped to contain the risks on the ground in Ukraine but the situation in eastern Ukraine remains highly volatile.
Inflation and interest rates
The sharp decline in oil prices has contributed to further disinflation in most countries in the region. In several CEB and SEE countries consumer prices have declined over the last 12 months (see Chart M.5).2
>Policy interest rates have been cut in many CEB, SEE and SEMED countries against the background of weak inflationary pressures and quantitative easing in the eurozone (see Chart M.6). At the same time, central banks in a number of countries in the EEC region and Central Asia have had to raise interest rates in response to pressure on their currencies and rising inflation. The Central Bank of Russia, for example, raised its policy rate by 750 basis points, to 17 per cent, in December 2014. By August 2015, however, this rate rise had been almost entirely reversed. At the same time, the central bank provided ample liquidity support to its banking system.
SOURCE: National authorities via CEIC Data.
NOTE: The rates shown are year-on-year figures based on consumer price indices. * denotes a country that uses the euro as legal tender or as an anchor for its exchange rate peg.
CEB | SEE | EEC | Central Asia | SEMED |
- Sep 2014 to Jan 2015
- Jan 2015 to Aug 2015
- Total change
- Policy rate in early Aug 2015
SOURCE: National authorities via CEIC Data.
Unemployment has been declining in the CEB and SEE regions, attesting to a strengthening recovery (see Chart M.7). In Poland, the region’s largest economy, unemployment has fallen to a level last seen in 2009. This, in turn, has supported a rise in real disposable income and strengthened domestic demand.
Elsewhere, unemployment rates have remained broadly unchanged, while in crisis-hit Ukraine unemployment has increased. Unemployment in the SEMED region remains high, at levels of between 10 and 15 per cent. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo and the SEMED countries, the presence of relatively large numbers of young adults (that is to say, people aged between 15 and 24) and limited job prospects for new entrants have resulted in youth unemployment making a major contribution – between 4 and 12 percentage points – to total unemployment rates (see Chart M.7). In SEMED countries rigid labour markets that favour existing workers and a skills mismatch arising from outdated educational models are further exacerbating the problem of youth unemployment.
CEB | SEE | EEC | Central Asia | SEMED |
- Unemployment rate in June 2015 (or latest figures)
- Contribution of youth unemployment to unemployment rate
- Unemployment rate in June 2014
SOURCE: National authorities via CEIC Data.
NOTE: “Youth unemployment” means unemployment among people aged 15-24.
Capital flows and remittances
Private capital flows to the transition region have been volatile and remain modest overall. The CEB and SEE regions saw net capital inflows totalling around 1 per cent of GDP in 2014. These inflows declined in the first half of 2015, according to preliminary data. Net private capital outflows from Russia have continued, standing at US$ 154 billion in 2014 and US$ 53 billion in the first half of 2015. To a large extent, these figures reflect the repayment of external debt by Russian banks and firms, since Russia’s external debt declined from US$ 732 billion in mid-2014 to US$ 522 billion on 1 October 2015. Turkey continues to rely on non-FDI private capital inflows to finance its large current account deficit (which narrowed somewhat in 2014, standing at 5.7 per cent of GDP).
SOURCE: Central Bank of Russia.
NOTE: Based on data on remittances to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Currency movements
Weaker inflows of remittances and declines in exports have led to downward pressure on the currencies of countries in the EEC region and Central Asia, including Belarus, Georgia and Moldova (see Chart M.2). A number of countries in this region have intervened extensively in foreign exchange markets and/or raised interest rates to limit the depreciation of their currencies. The currencies of the region’s major commodity exporters, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, have also weakened in response to declines in export revenues. The Ukrainian hryvnia lost almost 45 per cent of its value against the US dollar between August 2014 and July 2015, reflecting the depth of the economic crisis in the country.
The rouble depreciated sharply in late 2014 and early 2015. It then fluctuated broadly in line with the movements of the oil price. In mid-2015 it was around 40 per cent weaker against the policy basket of the US dollar and the euro than it had been a year earlier. Meanwhile, Russia’s international reserves declined from around US$ 500 billion in early 2014 to around US$ 350 billion in mid-2015 and have stabilised around that level.
Credit conditions and non-performing loans
Credit growth in the CEB and SEE regions has remained subdued. The rate at which parent banks are reducing their exposure to these regions appears to have increased again in late 2014 and early 2015. In many countries this reduction has not been fully offset by an expansion of the domestic deposit base (see Chart M.9), resulting in tighter credit conditions overall. At the same time, a gradual shift to a larger role for domestic deposits as a source of funding is a welcome development, as it makes the provision of credit more stable in the long term.3
SOURCE: Bank for International Settlements, national authorities via CEIC Data, IMF World Economic Outlook and authors’ calculations.
- Stock of corporate bonds (left-hand axis)
- Stock of corporate loans (left-hand axis)
- Percentage change in stock of corporate bonds (right-hand axis)
SOURCE: National authorities via CEIC Data, IMF World Economic Outlook, Bloomberg and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: Data represent GDP-weighted averages for the CEB and SEE regions.
SOURCE: National authorities via CEIC Data, and authors’ calculations.
NOTE: Definitions of non-performing loans may vary across countries.
Outlook and risks
The annual growth rate in the transition region is expected to fall from 1.9 per cent in 2014 to 0.2 per cent in 2015, before picking up moderately to 1.6 per cent in 2016. To a large extent, this weakening of economic growth reflects the impact that declining oil prices have had on commodity-exporting countries (which account for a large percentage of the region’s GDP – around 40 per cent, compared with averages of around 20 per cent in emerging markets globally and around 10 per cent in all economies worldwide) and countries with strong economic ties to Russia. The average numbers, however, mask a significant variation across countries.
Quantitative easing in the eurozone, the weaker euro and declines in oil prices are all benefiting economies in the CEB and SEE regions. Growth in the CEB region is expected to average around 3 per cent in 2015 and 2016, allowing incomes to continue to converge with those of the EU-15 economies. Growth in most of the SEE region is expected to strengthen in 2015 and improve further in 2016. However, the outlook for Greece remains highly uncertain, as it is largely dependent on a commitment to implementing reforms agreed under a new bailout programme and the response of economic activity to those reforms.
Output in Russia is expected to contract in real terms in both 2015 and 2016 as real income, consumption and investment all decline in the face of significantly lower oil prices, which are exacerbating structural problems and the impact of economic sanctions. The general outlook in the EEC region and Central Asia has worsened owing to negative spillovers from the recession in Russia and currency depreciation in the region is amplifying risks associated with currency mismatches in corporate and public-sector balance sheets. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s economy is expected to return to growth in 2016 after a deep recession in 2015.
The annual growth rate in Turkey is expected to remain around 3 per cent in both 2015 and 2016, significantly below the country’s long-term potential, as the positive impact of declines in oil prices is being offset by weaker external demand, elevated domestic political uncertainty following the inconclusive parliamentary elections in June and the limited scope for interest rate cuts given Turkey’s considerable dependence on capital inflows. Meanwhile, declines in oil prices, improved prospects in key export markets and a number of economic reform measures will all continue to support growth in the SEMED region, which is expected to strengthen in 2015.
A high degree of uncertainty surrounds the outlook for growth. Geopolitical risks relating to the situation in Ukraine remain elevated and an escalation of that conflict would have significant negative spillover effects for the region as a whole. The conflict in Syria and the threat posed by Islamic State and other groups are also important sources of risk for the region – particularly the economies of the SEMED region and Turkey – through their impact on trade, investment, tourism and migration flows. In addition, if monetary policy in the United States is tightened more strongly than expected, it could result in sharp increases in external financing costs and large capital outflows from emerging markets, including the transition region. The Institute of International Finance projects net capital flows to emerging markets in 2015 to be at the lowest level in more than two decades.
The persistent uncertainty surrounding the situation in Greece is another major source of risk and a deterioration in the economic outlook for the eurozone could increase the withdrawal of funds by European parent banks operating in the region and exacerbate the contraction of credit, constraining growth in investment and consumption. Furthermore, a potential further decline in oil prices would increase pressure on the Russian economy, with negative spillovers for the economies of Central Asia and the EEC region.
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